

Advent resources 2023

Advent Wreaths

Local Options

Cathedral – After weekend Masses Nov. 25/26 and Dec 2/3

Noelkes – Advent wreaths, Candles and Nativities

The Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe – Advent wreaths, Candles and Nativities

Hobby Lobby – Different sized candles and colors


Kids wooden option– Journey through Advent and the Christmas season with our double-sided wooden puzzle wreath! Children can assemble the wreath, then place a wooden candle into each hole. On each Sunday of Advent, they can “light” another candle by inserting a wooden flame disk into the slot atop the candle. Then at Christmas, flip the wreath over and use the white candles to celebrate the joy of the season!

Advent candle Kit – Make your own candles! These candles are very easy to make, smell heavenly when burned, and are sure to delight your children all Advent long.  Made with beeswax sheets that you roll up. 

Advent Wreath Custom Brick set – Build the wreath and candles, then each week of Advent “light” a candle with a yellow transparent brick. Prepare your heart for Christmas this year with an Advent Wreath made out of 48 genuine LEGO® bricks.


Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles “Advent at Ephesus”

May Our Lady keep you all close to her heart this season, and thus also close to the heart of the King Who is to come. We pray that we all “await with her the vision of His most Holy Face” this approaching Christmastide. –The Sisters The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles is a monastic community located in rural Missouri. 

Matt Maher “Advent of Christmas” – Are you ready to celebrate Jesus’ birth? Prepare your heart and soul to receive God’s greatest gift as you listen to Maher’s collection of new songs and classic carols! or

Roger Wilcock and the London Fox players “Advent Promise” – The music in this collection, sometimes mysterious, sometimes powerful, but always drawing on the joy that is at the heart of the Christian faith, reflects the many ways the Advent hope has been expressed through the ages. Authors from earliest times, including the Scripture writers themselves, are represented here in songs and hymns from the 7th to the early 20th centuries. 

Mark Hayes “ Advent” –  In this beautiful collection, Mark Hayes provides us with eight meditative arrangements designed to help us slow down and experience the thrill of anticipation that lies at the heart of Advent. These hymns and carols will set the mood for prayer and contemplation. 

Rain for Roots “Waiting” – Waiting Songs is an album of Advent. These songs are about making time for waiting. The King is coming and He is already here. So we practice listening, quieting ourselves, celebrating, whispering good news, and yelling shouts of joy. In the Rain for Roots family, we practice most of all by singing to ourselves, to each other, and to our children about true things. He is coming — the Joy of Every Longing Heart. Our longing hearts. Grown ups and children; we are the same in this. Through these songs, may God call us closer into conversation with Himself while we wait and hope with expectation. He comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found.

Specifically for kids, but beautiful for adults to listen to as well. 

Andrew Peterson “Behold the Lamb of God” –  An Advent and Christmas album that traces the Biblical story of the advent of Jesus. 

Listen to the first half during Advent and save the rest for Christmas!

St Peters Schola Cantorum “Advent II”

Traditional Advent music

Straw for Jesus

A free tutorial to help you create your own “straw for Baby Jesus”-

This Giving Manger set includes everything you need to bring the spirit of service into your home. This tradition will become a family favorite year after year, and it will surely help create some of your most cherished Advent and Christmas memories!

Jesse Tree Resources 

Free options

Fantastic free full guide (a printable book) with scripture verses, prayers and meditation for 2023 that starts on the first day of Advent. Does not include printable ornaments.

Downloadable free Jesse Tree plan. Starts  Dec. 1. Includes overview of the Jesse Tree, instructions, ornaments to be colored, and the Bible verses. There is an option for a Spanish version as well.

For purchase

The Tree of Jesse from Studio Senn- Fall in love with the Jesse Tree with this paperback book that includes an illustration, short reading and brief explanation of that day’s figure. Perfect for the family that wants to make their own set of ornaments, create an ornament exchange or just learn more about the Jesse Tree Advent tradition! This Jesse Tree set includes the O Antiphons as the last eight days.

Book only-

Book and window cling “ornaments”-

Book and ornaments – 

The Jesse Tree: An Advent Devotion by Eric Sammons, Sophia Institute Press: This devotional has a set of ornaments that you can buy on the Sophia press website, if you don‘t want to make any. It gives suggested ornaments as well if you want to craft your own. It has a description of how to use the book and a blessing for the Jesse Tree. Every day there is a reflection about the story read, and for older children and adults who want to go deeper into the story and create discussions with scripture.

The Jesse Tree Advent Devotional for Families Catholic Sprouts: This is a book for kids and adults. This tree starts on the First Sunday of Advent and goes to Dec. 24. There are a few days that have 2 ornaments depending on the year, but there is a friendly guide that comes with it so you know when to do more than one a night. It also has everything you need in one place: the scripture passage, a reflection and prayer. It does give you an option to dig deeper with an extended story option that you would need a bible for. She includes ornaments that you can use for your tree. 

O Come Emmanuel by Kendra Tierney, Catholic All Year: Roots families in the rich symbols of the Old Testament that point to the coming of Jesus Christ. For each day of December leading to Christmas, you’ll find a reading from Sacred Scripture, family-friendly reflections for the day, and a short prayer. Experience the unfolding of God’s plan from Creation to the Patriarchs to the Prophets and beyond. 


Book and Ornaments-

Other Advent ideas and Resources

Advent Decor- Are you looking for advent decor for your home or office? Check out the little rose shop. They have tea towels, mugs and blankets.

Mary on the Mantel – A Catholic Elf on the Shelf alternative. Helps you prepare with Mary by doing acts of kindness.

Full set-

Book and Cards-

Kids book – All about Advent & Christmas: Sharing the Seasons of Hope & Wonder with Children is a resource unlike any other. Explore the rich traditions surrounding Christ’s birth as you journey through Scripture to understand the story of salvation and discover the meaning behind many of our celebrations during Advent and Christmas. Features the stories of saints we celebrate throughout December and explains numerous other aspects of Catholic liturgy and teaching. With detailed illustrations to make the liturgical seasons come alive.

Kids book – 24 Christmas Stories for Little Ones – Prepare your young children for Christmas by reading aloud these delightful and inspiring stories. Familiar customs such as the Advent wreath and the Christmas tree, as well as traditions from other parts of the world, are woven into charming stories with colorful illustrations. Included are stories from the Bible related to the birth of Christ, along with tales of children learning the true meaning of Christmas. (Ages 3-7)

Advent Devotionals 


My MagnifiKid – Daily Advent Prayers – In homes across the world during Advent, children help their families prepare for Christmas. Nativity scenes, bright candles in the windows, evergreen trees encircled with twinkling lights, and colorfully wrapped gifts speak of fervent expectation. Now, with MagnifiKid! Daily Advent Prayers, each child can prepare the most important present of all, a prayerful heart ready to welcome our Lord Jesus Christ! (Ages 7 and up)

24 Christmas Stories to Welcome Jesus – The joy and hope of Christmas are at the heart of this book intended for the whole family. Starting with the 1st of December (like an Advent calendar) each day has a new story, leading up to Christmas. Richly illustrated, this collection includes stories based on the Gospel accounts of the birth of Christ, as well as stories about Advent and Christmas customs. Also presented are original tales about living the Christmas message. (Ages 6 and up)


The Jesse Tree Advent Journal- is our most requested lectio divina journal. In this Advent journal, we have included daily doodling prompts on each of the Jesse Tree symbols for added fun! This Advent journal is a guided meditation on the beautiful story of the Jesse Tree, the prophecy about a branch shooting up from the stump of Jesse. This Advent season, we invite you to follow along with the stories of the people who came before Jesus who teach us to open our hearts wide for the presence of Christ.

Advent and Christmas – Help teens make sense of the things that matter most in their lives such as relationships, their future, and coping with stress. Realistic and easy to use, each daily devotion starts with a brief Bible quote that connects with a topic important to teens such as insecurity, pressure, trust, fitting in, finding hope, and choosing joy. A brief reflection helps teens consider the day’s topic through their faith.


5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath – Spend just five minutes a day praying around your Advent wreath. These scripture-based devotions are perfect for any age and setting, and offer a few minutes of simplicity, focus, and sacred longing as you contemplate and prepare for the great gift of Christ’s birth. Each day includes an opening antiphon and a closing prayer, a scripture reading, a short reflection, and questions to ponder, journal about, or use in conversation.

Free parent guide to accompany 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath – The parent guide to accompany 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath by Lisa M. Hendey offers discussion topics and questions based on the age of your children. Each day of the four weeks of Advent includes topics and questions for young children, middle-schoolers, and teens based on the theme in Hendey’s reflection.

General Advent Devotionals and Journals

Magnificat Advent Companion 2023 – Regular Print – This rich spiritual companion will accompany you like a beloved friend through the four weeks of Advent with poignant scriptural reflections for each day of the season. You will also find a wealth of meditative prayers, essays, and poetry, an examination of conscience, and a unique feature: the Advent Stations.If you long for the nearness of God in your life, this invaluable little booklet promises to bring you ever closer to the One who promised: I am with you always (Mt 28:20).

Regular Print –

E Book

Magnificat Advent Companion – Large Print –

Waiting for Christ Meditations for Advent and Christmas – In this new and compact compilation of his sermons, you’re invited to journey with St. John Henry Newman through Advent into Christmas and Epiphany, meditating on the coming of Christ and the Christian life. Newman’s masterful knowledge of the lives of the saints, Catholic doctrine, and, above all, Sacred Scripture, will help you immerse yourself in these liturgical seasons of waiting, wondering, and joy.

Advent Journal – The Mother of Life Advent Journal is written to guide you through a prayerful reading of Scripture –lectio divina. By personally encountering the Word, you, too, will experience hope-filled anticipation and live differently as a joyful disciple of Christ.

Rejoice! Advent Meditations with Joseph – this journal calls you daily to see through Joseph’s eyes, feel what is in Joseph’s heart, and read the Scripture that Joseph read, so you can fully prepare to welcome Jesus into your heart this Christmas. 

Rejoice! Advent Meditations with Mary- This Journal not only lets you walk beside Mary during the first Advent, but also lets you get to know her in a way you haven’t before. It offers more than insights and information about Mary’s life—it offers an opportunity for you to encounter Mary in the quiet of your heart.

Rejoice! Advent Meditations with the Holy Family – You will ponder what was in their hearts and minds as they awaited the birth of Jesus—and you will be invited to reflect on and deepen your own relationships with others. Rejoice! will help you open your heart to the peace and joy of the Holy Family as you prepare for the coming of Jesus this Christmas..

Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture –  be immersed in the readings that anchor us during the Advent season–the Sunday Mass readings. This year bear fruit in your life as Jesus comes to live more fully in your heart, and you experience greater joy and peace throughout the Advent season and beyond.

Rejoice! Finding Your Place in the Advent Story – Deepen your appreciation of the places, people, and events of the very first Advent. You can encounter the Lord in your own life and heart during Advent this year. Enjoy Advent. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the places, people, and events that shaped the story of the very first Advent and shape our own lives now.

Adore – will help you reclaim the sacred sense of longing and joyful hope at the heart of Advent, focusing on a new theme each week—vigilance, preparation, nearness, and Emmanuel—that you can relate to your own life. With video extras.

Behold- Let the Holy Family be your light through Advent as you receive the healing power of Christ. In this beautiful guided journal for prayer and meditation, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT will walk with you as you explore familial wounds with the help of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. With Video extras.

Draw near- “Your light will come, Jerusalem; the Lord will dawn on you in radiant beauty. You will see his glory within you.” This line from the Church’s Morning Prayer bookends your Advent journey in this new daily reflection booklet for Advent and Christmas. Draw Near allows you to build a daily prayer practice that will help you find purpose and meaning by fanning the embers of Christ’s presence within as you prepare for the light of his birth.

Journal for Women

Found: Advent Devotional for Women – invites you to explore your walk with the Good Shepherd. Through daily reflections, Scripture, Visio and Lectio Divina, as well as knowing you’re praying alongside a supportive community, Found will help you discover a deeper connection to our Good Shepherd Himself.

Journal for Men

Fierce: Advent Guide for Men – Fierce will equip men of all ages and vocations to embrace the spiritual fatherhood that they’re called to. Following the example of Christ, the Good Shepherd, Paul uses storytelling and meditation to strengthen virtue and deep prayer as we prepare for the Christmas season.

Straight to your Email

Holy Heroes Advent Adventure- Activities for every day of Advent delivered straight to your inbox. Ages 5-12

BEST ADVENT EVER – As Matthew Kelly guides you through the Gospels, you’ll discover just how relevant Jesus’ wisdom is to every aspect of your daily life. You’ll be inspired and challenged to make the most of Advent by getting to the heart of what truly matters…and putting aside what hardly matters at all.


Advent of the Heart – The season that prepares us for Christmas, is what Fr. Delp called an Advent of the heart. More than just preparing us for Christmas, it is a spiritual program, a way of life. He proclaimed that our personal, social and historical circumstances, even suffering, offer us entry into the true Advent, our personal journey toward a meeting and dialogue with God. Indeed, his own life, and great sufferings, illustrated the true Advent he preached and wrote about.

Come, Lord Jesus (Digital) Meditations on the Art of Waiting – These Advent reflections by the abbess of a Poor Clare monastery,focus our attention on the coming of Jesus into our lives. There is a double movement to this coming; both our active preparation to be ready for him and our patient waiting for the Lord to arrive in his own good time. There is also an art to this simultaneous preparation and waiting, and no one knows better than the beloved Mother Mary Francis how to encourage us in our attempts to master this art. Though written for Advent, the wisdom of Mother Mary Francis collected by her sisters is profitable at any time because a Christian life is one of constant growth into the very likeness of God.

The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise by Cardinal Robert Sarah – In a time when technology penetrates our lives in so many ways and materialism exerts such a powerful influence over us, Cardinal Robert Sarah presents a bold book about the strength of silence. The modern world generates so much noise, he says, that seeking moments of silence has become both harder and more necessary than ever before.

The Gospel of Luke – Reading scripture in preparation is always recommended!

Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI – This is a story of longing and seeking, as demonstrated by the Magi searching for the redemption offered by the birth of a new king. It is a story of sacrifice and trusting completely in the wisdom of God as seen in the faith of Simeon, the just and devout man of Jerusalem, when he is in the presence of the Christ child. Ultimately, Jesus’ life and message is a story for today, one that speaks to the restlessness of the human heart searching for the sole truth which alone leads to profound joy.

Reed of God by Caryll Houselander – First published in 1944 and now a spiritual classic for Catholics across the globe, The Reed of God contains meditations on the humanity of Mary, Mother of God. British Catholic writer and artist Caryll Houselander lovingly explores Mary’s intimately human side, depicting Our Lady as a musical instrument who makes divine love known to the world. This refreshed edition is rich and rewarding reading for all Christians who wonder what Mary was really like.

Bonus! The Reed of God will be the Advent book study by the Abiding Together podcast this year. Check them out on your favorite podcast app.