Letter from Fr. Jerzy – COVID-19

Greetings to all of our parishioners, committee heads, and heads of organizations and Cathedral Staff from Fr. Jerzy Rebacz.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

God is a God of peace. I would like to encourage you to look for our consolation in Him and entrust all of our fears to Him. It is important that we do not panic, realizing that there are many threats in our lives. As Christians, we base our lives on faith in a God who protects us. Faith, however, does not mean encouraging unreasonable behavior. I am asking you to pay special attention to people who need support. Please show your attention to know if the elderly, the sick need our help. Helping is also an expression of our faith.

I realize how much uncertainty and anxiety can appear in our families by listening to daily reports of the spread of the disease and deaths. This is especially true for families whose members, by virtue of their profession, come into contact with sick people or those who must travel around the world.

This threat is new to us, so it raises a lot of emotions. We got used to others, but they did not become less threatening.
That is why faith is so important to us. It is our Savior who promised He would not leave us alone. God supports His children in every life situation. In prayer, we can find peace, but also by asking for protection, we really receive help. I encourage you to pray the Stations of the Cross, daily Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and other devotions.

Let us stay united in prayer. I assure you about my daily prayers for you. Every day Fr. Juan Pedro and I will celebrate The Holy Eucharist here at the Cathedral. Daily private Masses will be celebrated for the Mass intentions families and individuals have requested and provided to the Parish Office, which will be included and offered to God while celebrating these Masses. In addition, your personal intentions, whatever they may be will also be included at Mass.

I, also would like to create for you an opportunity to attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation according to the Federal and State restrictions regarding the coronavirus. (see it below).

Please examine your conscious thoroughly. I, also would like to point out to you the spiritual tool of the perfect act of contrition that remits venial sins and in the face of the danger of death we obtain through it forgiveness of mortal sins as well. Catholic catechism No. 1452 states: “When it arises from a love by which God is loved above all else, contrition is called “perfect” (contrition of charity). Such contrition remits venial sins; it also obtains forgiveness of mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as soon as possible”.

You also will be able to find weekly reflections on the Holy Scripture in our online postings. Please also visit the Diocesan and other Catholic websites for your spiritual support. And most of all remember that all of us are loved by God!

I would like to end this appeal with an apostolic wish for peace from the Letter to the Philippians: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. ”

Fr. Jerzy

Instructions for confessions and almsgiving:
Confessions will be heard daily at the Cathedral beginning March 23, Monday through Saturday, from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, ONLY by appointment (please contact the parish office at 608/782-0322, ext. 0 to schedule your appointment).

Please note very well that when you arrive for your scheduled appointment for confession, you will be greeted at the door and directed to either the Sacristy and/or the Bishop’s Vestry. Other areas of the Cathedral Church will be off limits.

On behalf of the Cathedral Finance Council, our parish wishes to express its gratitude to all of our donors for their continued support. Because of the severity and uncertainty this virus brings on so many levels of everyone’s life, we are deeply appreciative and grateful for any financial support you are able to provide to the Cathedral Parish.

For those who wish to make contributions to the Cathedral Parish are welcome and encouraged to drop them in our secure mailbox found at the Main Street Rectory Entrance. Or, if you prefer, we do offer ACH contribution capabilities and we would be happy to send the necessary forms by email for you to complete and return to the parish. Also, you may mail your contributions to 530 Main Street | La Crosse, WI 54601. May God bless you abundantly for your generosity.